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Open Enrollment

Lead Instructor – Joe Ringnald

(817) 629-2903

Class size: Limited to 12

Preregistration Required (10% late fee less than 14 days before class)

Course Description: This 19 hour course covers introduction to rope rescue, team ICS, standards, locating victim, scene search, safety, equipment familiarization and properties, rescue knots and hitches, anchor systems, belays, two rope rappel station, communications, medical considerations for patient removal, basic rappels with top belay, lock out, invert, multiple belay and rappel devices, problem solving and self rescue, night training, and basic ascending.

Prerequisite – None. This class is a prerequisite for the VRT  2.

Course Format: The VRT 1 course is normally taught in a 2  eight hour days and one night skills portion on the first night.

The person completing this course will have the knowledge and skills to decide the proper course of action to locate, access, stabilize a victim from heights.

STANDARDS: This course meets and exceeds Industry standards and NFPA  1006 requirements to the level of this class. To completely meet all NFPA requirements the Technician would need to attend the VRT 2 and VRT3.

PPE: Each student is required to provide their own Personal Protective Gear:

  •  Rescue Rated Seat Harness
  • Vertical rated Rescue Helmet
  • Double palm padded rappel gloves
  • Ankle support hiking or duty boots
  • Clothing appropriate for weather conditions (NO SHORTS) Shirts and long hair must be able to be tucked in or secured.

Physical fitness requirements: RTI field courses are strenuous in nature. RTI recommends the student be in good physical and mental condition.

Additional course information will be emailed to each student registered.


Applications due two weeks prior to class

Online Application

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