Search & Rescue, Safety, Survival

Wesley Meyer
Founder / Master Instructor / RETIRED
Start Date: 7/5/1974 - City: New Braunfels - State: TX - Country: USA - Lead Instructor: All RTI Courses
Wes has over 56 years in the rescue field specializing in water, boats, vertical, cave, ground search and survival. Retired from the New Braunfels Fire Department as a Battalion Chief, he was instrumental in the development of the Swiftwater and Vertical rescue program there. Wes wore many hats in the fire service from entry level volunteer fire fighter he worked his way through every rank to Battalion Chief including Emergency Medical Technician, Peace Officer and Arson Investigator. He has been a guest instructor at the Texas A&M University Municipal Fire School, feature guest speaker at National and International conferences, consultant with FEMA for development of rescue teams in international settings, as well as consultant and instructor for numerous emergency service providers in the development of specialized rescue teams. Wes is the owner and Master Instructor with Rescue Training International and a past Master Instructor and Instructor Trainer with Rescue 3 International. He has been the Chief of Rescue Techs and Alamo Area SAR, Rescue Specialist with several Volunteer Fire Department. Developing programs tailored to the needs of the individual or agency he works with. He has also developed several training courses for Lake, Bay, Surf, Flood, Swiftwater, PWC, Boats, Vertical, All Terrain Vehicles Utility Vehicle and cave rescue. His range of Instruction now includes the US, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Wes was presented the prestigious Higgins & Langley 2001 International Award for his assistance with the development of the Texas State Swiftwater Strike Team and his teams response to the Tropical Storm Allison disaster in Houston, Texas. He has several other awards and decorations including the “Unsung Hero” award from the City of New Braunfels for rescuing 9 persons during the October 1998 flood in New Braunfels, Texas, USA and a Medal of Valor from Braunfels, Germany for a river rescue including family members from Braunfels Fire Department.
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Camille Meyer
Owner / Chief Instructor
Start Date: 7/1/2000 City: New Braunfels State: TX Country: USA Lead International Instructor in FAST, FAST PWC, FAST RBO, PWC Surf, Cave, Vertical, Ground Search, HWEV, HRT, SAFERIDE, OHV Rescue and Survival.
Camille has served our country in the US Coast Guard for a little over 5 years. She made rank as an Operations Specialist Petty Officer 3rd Class and has also completed training as a Surface Rescue Swimmer, Boat crewman, Helo/Boat ops, Marine Watchstander, Search and Rescue Fundamentals, and was completing training as a Law Enforcement Officer at FLETC Charleston until an injury postponed the training. Camille was last stationed at USCG Sector New Orleans under the 8th Atlantic District based in New Orleans, Louisiana as a communications unit watch stander (heavily involved maritime emergency operations and dispatching) and was involved in advanced operational planning applications, intelligence coordination and case management functions. During her time at Sector New Orleans she conducted over 250 search and rescue cases, and was directly involved for 25 lives saved. She was also on duty in the Communication Center and was responsible for numerous lifesaving and emergency response communications the day the BP Oil Rig exploded. She was honorably discharged in November 2011 after her service was completed. During her service she served on the East Coast, West Coast and Gulf of Mexico. Camille has completed every course RTI offers making her one of the few RTI Master Technicians. She has been involved with RTI since its inception; starting at a young age acting as victim, then assisting with the courses before finally becoming an instructor.
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Brad Bemis
Lead Instructor - SurfPWC, SAFERIDE
Start Date: 05/16/2019 Surf Rescue PWC Lead Instructor Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle
Brad is a firefighter with the Murrells Inlet / Garden City Fire Department in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.
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James (Jamie) Blackwelder
Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle
Start Date: 01/18/2025 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle
Jamie is an Assistant Chief with the Georgeville Fire Department in North Carolina. After several attempts to make his way to a HWEV class, we finally got it to work. He has also expressed an interest in the SAFERIDE and the OHV Rescue courses.
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Ross Brown
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Instructor Orientation 05/15/2024 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Shon Cavett
Lead Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date 08/09/2017 FAST 1 Lead Instructor Waco, Texas
Shon is a FAST 1 Lead Instructor and has recently been promoted to Battalion Chief in the Waco Fire Department.
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Ismael Contreras
Lead Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 08/28/2008 - FAST 1 Lead Instructor - San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, MX
Ismael is the Director of Rescate 911 in San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (Near Monterrey)
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Clinton Corpening
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf RescueTech 1, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1, High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 River Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 12/02-03/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 03/25/2024 Start Date: 03/25/2024 Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue 03/30/2024 Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Clinton Daniell
Apprentice Instructor - Lake Rescue Boat Tech 1
Clint is assigned to Montgomery County ESD 2 Fire/Rescue Boat on Lake Conroe. He has already received extensive training on the boat which is scheduled to go into service July 1, 2023
Micah Daugherty
Apprentice Instructor - SAFERIDE & OHV Public Safety
Start Date: 01/11/2021 - Apprentice Instructor - SAFERIDE & OHV Public Safety; Denison, Texas
Micah is a Shift Captain for Denison Fire Department. He is the shift commander. The City of Denison is developing a long hike and bike trail that may require the FD EMS to access civilians injured along the trail vis the department's new UTV. Along with that, the department is looking into adding to the UTV fleet for other FD related jobs. Micah has over 17 years experience with ATVs and UTVs.
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Frank DeMarco
Apprentice Instructor - Surf Rescue Boat Technician & Hurricane Response Technician
Start Date: 09/08/2023 - Apprentice Instructor - Surf Rescue Boat Technician & Hurricane Response Technician Galveston County ESD 2 (Crystal Beach, Texas)
Frank is with the Galveston County ESD 2 at Crystal Beach on Bolivar Penin
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Colin Jackson
Apprentice Instructor - Ground Search And Rescue Technician 1 & High Water Evacuation Technician
Start Date: 09/08/2023 - Apprentice Instructor - Ground Search And Rescue Technician 1 & High Water Evacuation Technician Galveston County ESD 2 (Crystal Beach, Texas)
Colin is with the Galveston County ESD 2 at Crystal Beach on Bolivar Peninsula. He is also a Firefighter with Kemah Fire Department
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Larry Denman II
Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST 2
Start Date: 08/09/2017 Lead Instructor FAST 2 Instructor Preceptor
Larry started out with Magnolia FD and took classes before I started RTI. He moved to Waco FD and has been there since. Now a FAST 2 Lead Instructor and Instructor Preceptor.
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Billy Easy
Lead Instructor FAST 1
Start Date: 06/12/2019 Lead Instructor - FAST 1 Apprentice Instructor FAST 2 Waco, Texzas
Billy is a firefighter with Waco FD.
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Gustavo Eimbke
Lead Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 08/26/2010 Lead Instructor FAST 1 Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mx
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Phillipe Foix
Lead Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 06/17/2020 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1 - Brownwood, Tx
Phillipe is a Firefighter with Brownwood Fire Department
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Tyson Frazier
Instructor Trainer - Lake PWC Rescue Technician
Start Date: Instructor Trainer - Lake PWC Rescue Technician Saratoga Springs, Utah
Tyson is our only Lake PWC Rescue Tech 1 Instructor Trainer. He is a Captain with the Saratoga Springs FD. Tyson is also FAST 1 and FAST Rescue Boat Technician 1 certified.
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Jason Frye
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Start Date: 04/22/2022 Technician: FAST 1, FRBT 1, GSAR 2 Instructor: AI FAST 1, AI FRBT 1
Jason works in construction and is a Volunteer Firefighter. He is a specialist in gaseous displacement.
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Melissa Frye
Lead Instructor FAST 1, FRBT 1
Start Date: 04/22/2022 Technician: FAST 1, FRBT 1 Instructor: Lead Instructor - FAST 1, FRBT 1 Apprentice Instructor -
Melissa served in the Army National Guard, and is currently a Firefighter with Parker Co ESD 6
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Andrew Geisler
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Technician: SAFERIDE Technician: OHV Rescue Technician 1 Instructor Orientation 05/15/2024 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Grady Grammer
Apprentice Instructor Lake Rescue Boat Technician 1, Ground Search And Rescue 1
Start Date: 07/06/2021 - Apprentice Instructor - LRBT 1, GSAR 1
Grady served in the United States Navy from 1996-2018 retiring as a Senior Chief Petty Officer. During his career he earned his Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist qualification, advanced shipboard firefighter, flight deck firefighter, conning officer, Craftmaster, small boat coxswain, flight deck officer, landing signalman enlisted, well deck control and docking officer, safety officer, quality assurance inspector, waterfront readiness duty officer, command duty officer, and a variety of other shipboard and shoreside qualifications. He served in the capacity of Command Safety Leading Chief Petty Officer, Public Affairs Officer, Emergency Management Coordinator, Senior Enlisted Advisor, Casualty Assistance Calls Officer, and Departmental Leading Chief. During his career Grady deployed several times including being the first ship on station during the Kosovo Conflict in '99, 3 times to the Persian Gulf during Operations OEF and OIF, and Korea for JLOTS exercises with the Korean Marine Corps and Navy. During his career Grady worked with several Fire Departments across the country including the Ingleside On The Bay VFD, Ingleside VFD, Turtle Creek VFD, Howard County Fire/Savage VFC, Ann Arundel County Fire/Arnold VFC, and Naval District Washington Fire/ US Naval Academy Fire Department. Additionally he attended and graduated from the CERT Academy in San Diego County, CA under the umbrella of the San Diego County Fire Authority/CALFIRE. During his time as a CERT Team Member he deployed to Butte County during the aftermath of the Camp Fire as a dog handler, and several welfare check evolutions during Santa Anna wind events. Grady is also a member of Team Rubicon where he worked directly with state and local agencies during the Lilac Fires in San Diego County, CA. He as been an active member of the Boy Scouts of America since 1985, earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1992, has served in many different leadership roles from the Council to Troop levels, and is currently an Assistant Scoutmaster in Bullard, TX. Grady attended Central Texas College where he completed his Certificate in Emergency Management. His present qualifications include Lake Boat Rescue Technician 1, Flood and Swiftwater Rescue Technician, Ground Search and Rescue Technician 1, and Ground Search and Rescue Technician 2. He is a member of the Bullard Fire Department where he is the Rescue LT with additional qualifications of FF1, ECA, Structural Collapse Technician, K9 Handler (with a new SAR dog coming online in the next 15 months), Agro-Rescue, WMD, ARC Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor, CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer Instructor, CPR/AED for the Healthcare Provider Instructor, Stop the Bleed Instructor, and is the Chief Advisor for the Bullard Junior Firefighter Program. Grady is located in Bullard, Texas and always looks for a means to educate, demonstrate the how, guide the skill, and enable the citizens in his area in the realm of emergency preparedness so they are better prepared in the event of any emergency.
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Sharon Amora-Grammer
Apprentice Instructor: Ground Search And Rescue 1
Start Date: 02/05/2022 - Apprentice Instructor - GSAR 1
Sharon is a firefighter with Bullard Fire Department, a course Sponsor for the Bullard Jr. Firefighter program, raises and trains K9 service and Search dogs, Has attended several CERT courses, works full time and also is going to college.
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Ray Gregory
Lead Instructor - FAST 1, FRBT 1, VRT 2, Confined Space, GSAR 2, Wilderness Survival
Start Date:07/13/2010 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1, FRBT 1, VRT 2, Confined Space, GSAR 2, Wilderness Survival - Victoria, Texas
Ray is a paramedic engineer with the Victoria Fire Department. He has been involved in Search and Rescue for many years. Starting out as a Swiftwater Technician, he has worked his way up t0 lead instructor and team leader. He has certifications in FAST1, FAST2, RBO1, VRT1, VRT2, GSAR1, GSAR2. Ray is a lead instructor in FAST1,FAST2, RBO1,VRT1 and GSAR1. He was the Swiftwater Rescue Team lead for VFD and is also on the Technical Rescue Team. Ray has been vital in forming the Cuero EMS rescue team. Ray is a prior U.S Marine and was Honorably Discharged after serving 8 years. Ray was previously an active member of the Texas State Guard, where he has been on several SAR missions as a team leader and team medic. Ray maintains his skills throughout the year by attending classes and training sessions, which sometimes become real-life rescues. One lucky piglet was saved by his recent adventures. In all seriousness, Ray is passionate about sharing his expertise and knowledge with anyone interested in learning different survival and rescue skills.
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KB Hallmark
Apprentice Instructor VRT and FAST 1
Start Date: 06/30/2021 - Apprentice Instructor - VRT 1 and FAST 1
KB is the Chief of the Toyota Manufacturing Plant in San Antonio. He has completed Vertical Rescue Tech 1, 2 & 3 through RTI. He is a Lieutenant in the Sand Hills VFD where he completed FAST 1.
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Jason Handlang
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Technician: SAFERIDE Technician: OHV Rescue Technician 1 Instructor Orientation 05/15/2024 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Myke Hastings
Lead Instructor FAST 1
Start Date: 08/22/2022 - Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1
Myke is from the Houston area and has recently been promoted to Lead Instructor for FAST 1
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Eric Hemeon
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf RescueTech 1, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1, High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 River Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 12/02-03/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 03/25/2024 Start Date: 03/25/2024 Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue 03/30/2024 Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Keiffer Hotella
Apprentice Instructor FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician Level: FAST 1 Technician Level: FRBT 1 Start Date: 07/21/2023 - Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1 Lead Instructor - 05/21/2024 FAST 1 Lead Instructor - 05/23/2024 FRBT 1
Keiffer is a firefighter with the Shawnee Fire Department in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He has taken FAST 1, FRBT 1 and recertified 4 times.
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Andy Hill
Apprentice Instructor FAST 1
Start Date: 08/23/2020 - Apprentice Instructor FAST 1 - Iola, Kansas
Andy is a Firefighter with the Iola Fire Department. He is working on his FAST 1 Instructor certification.
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Marissa Hormell
Apprentice Instructor FAST 1, GSAR 1
Start Date: 08/23/2021 - Apprentice Instructor FAST 1 and GSAR1- Houston, Texas
Marissa is a member of the Civil Air Patrol, TEXSAR, Paramedic
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Chris Jenkins
Lead Instructor - Vertical Rescue Technician 3
Start Date: 03/05/2019 Lead Instructor - Vertical Rescue Technician 3 Selma, Texas
Chris is a Shift Captain at the Toyota Fire Department, Manufacturing Plant in San Antonio, Texas. Chris holds RTI Technician certifications in VRT 1, VRT 2 and VRT 3.
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Matthew Kent
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Instructor Orientation 05/15/2024 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
James Ketcham
Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 12/02/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 12/03/2024 Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Scott Killgore
Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST Rescue Boat Tech 1
Start Date: Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST Rescue Boat Tech 1 Shawnee, Oklahoma
Scott is a Lead Instructor for FAST 1 and FAST RBT 1. He is a Shift Captain with the Shawnee Fire Department
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David King
Apprentice Instructor - Lake Rescue Boat Tech 1
David is assigned to Montgomery County ESD 2 Fire/Rescue Boat on Lake Conroe. He has already received extensive training on the boat which is scheduled to go into service July 1, 2023. David is a Lieutenant with MCESD2.
Austin Layman
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Instructor Orientation 05/15/2024 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Brian Loos
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf RescueTech 1, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1. Department Instructor for High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 River Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 12/02-03/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 03/25/2024 Start Date: 03/25/2024 Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue 03/30/2024 Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Department Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Dean McCann
Lead Instructor - Odessa College
Start Date: 02/18/2012 - Lead Instructor, Industrial Rope Rescue Technician, Confined Space Technician, Vertical Rescue Technician 1, Vertical Rescue Technician 2, Vertical Rescue Technician 3, Window Washer Technician, Competent Tower Climber, Tower Rescue, Working at Heights - Odessa, Texas
Dean has worn many hats. He has been a police officer and SWAT team member, worked for Boots and Coots and a number of other oil well fire fighting companies. He has also been involved in the oil field industry before securing the position of Lead Instructor for Odessa College.
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Jesse McGraw
Corporate Instructor / Instructor Trainer
Start Date: 8/31/2016 - Corporate Instructor / Instructor Trainer - FAST 1&2, FRBT 1, LRBT 1&2, SRBT 1, VRT 1&2, Slope Evacuation 1, GSAR 1&2, SARERIDE, ATV/UTV Rescue, Mountain 4x4, Crewmember Overboard and Instructor Trainer. - City: Cleveland State: Texas
Jesse is a is a combat vet who has served 18 months in Iraq and is now a SWAT medic for Liberty County SWAT team. Jesse has over 20 years of firefighting / rescue experience and is now a Captain of Liberty County HazMat team and Captain/K9 in one of the volunteer fire departments in Liberty County. Lead Instructor: FAST 1, FAST 2, FAST Rescue Boat 1 & 2, Lake Rescue Boat 1 & 2, Surf Rescue Boat 1, Vertical 1 & 2, Slope Evacuation, SAFERIDE OHV Training, ATV/SxS OHV Public Safety, GSAR 1 & 2
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Nick McQueen
Lead Instructor - Lake PWC Rescue Technician
Start Date: 05/15/2019 - Lead Instructor - Lake PWC Rescue Technician - Saratoga Springs, Utah
Nick is a Firefighter / Paramedic with Saratoga Springs Fire Rescue
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Shawn Mallory
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Instructor Orientation 05/15/2024 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Hunter Maphet
Apprentice Instructor - Lake Rescue Boat Tech 1
Hunter is assigned to Montgomery County ESD 2 Fire/Rescue Boat on Lake Conroe. He has already received extensive training on the boat which is scheduled to go into service July 1, 2023. Hunter is a Lieutenant with MCESD2.
Joey Mather
Apprentice Instructor - Surface Water Rescue Swimmer & Ground Search And Rescue Tech 1
Start Date: 09/08/2023 - Apprentice Instructor - Surface Water Rescue Swimmer & Ground Search And Rescue Tech 1 Galveston County ESD 2 (Crystal Beach, Texas)
Joey is with the Galveston County ESD 2 at Crystal Beach on Bolivar Peninsula.
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Chris Mire
Lead Instructor
Chris has certifications in GSAR1, GSAR2, FAST1, FRBT1. He is a Lead Instructor in GSAR1, FAST1, FAST 2, FRBT1, SAFERIDE OHV Training and an Apprentice Instructor in GSAR 2
Chris has certifications in GSAR1, GSAR2, FAST1, FAST 2, and FRBT1. He is a Lead Instructor in GSAR1, FAST1, FRBT1, SAFERIDE OHV Training and an Apprentice Instructor in GSAR 2. Chris is an engineering manager during the week and enjoys his time spent "outside of the office." He became a volunteer firefighter at 19, progressing into rescue then EMT and Paramedic school. Chris is an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Army as well as a martial arts Senior Instructor who holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, and a 1st Degree Black Belt in Cane. He is also certified as a Tactical Pistol and Rifle Instructor.
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Vernon Meischen
Lead Instructor - SAFERIDE & GSAR 1 , Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 08/17/2019 - Lead Instructor - SAFERIDE, Apprentice Instructor - GSAR 1 & FAST 1 - Killeen, Tx
Vernon served in the military before becoming a Deputy Sheriff in Bell County Texas. Vernon is certified in FAST 1 & 2, GSAR 1 & 2, FAST Rescue Boat 1, and SAFERIDE
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Harold Melton
Lead Instructor - FAST 1, SAFERIDE
Start Date: 05/15/2017 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1, SAFERIDE - New Braunfels, Texas
Harold is a Firefighter with Cibolo Fire Department. He is a Lead Instructor for FAST 1 and SAFERIDE.
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Brennan Moore
Lead Instructor - Surf PWC Rescue Technician, High Water Evacuation Vehicle, Hurricane Response Technician, SAFERIDE ATV/UTV , Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 05/16/2019. - Location: Murrells Inlet, South Carolina Lead Instructor - Surf PWC Rescue Technician, High Water Evacuation Vehicle, Hurricane Response Technician, SAFERIDE ATV/UTV Apprentice Instructor - Flood And Swiftwater Technician 1
Brennan is a Battalion Chief with the Murrells Inlet / Garden City Fire Department in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.
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Steven Morales
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf RescueTech 1, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1, High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 River Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 12/02-03/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 03/25/2024 Start Date: 03/25/2024 Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue 03/30/2024 Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Kipp Nickleson
Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST 2 Apprentice Instructor - VRT 1
Start Date: 10/30/2020 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST 2 Apprentice Instructor - VRT 1 - Junction, Texas
Kipp is a volunteer Firefighter with the Junction VFD. He has certified as FAST 1, FAST 2VRT 1, Slope Evacuation. Currently working on his certification as Lead Instructor in VRT 1 .
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Alex Niemann
Lead Instructor - SAFERIDE, High Water Evacuation Vehicle, Hurricane Response Technician 1, PWC Surf Apprentice Instructor, FAST 1 Apprentice Instructor
Start Date: 06/18/2021 Location: Murrells Inlet, South Carolina Lead Instructor - , High Water Evacuation Vehicle, Hurricane Response Technician, SAFERIDE ATV/UTV Apprentice Instructor - Flood And Swiftwater Technician 1, Surf PWC Rescue Technician
Alex is a Lieutenant for the Murrells Inlet Garden City Fire Department. He was put in charge of developing the HWEV program for the department.
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Kenneth Norton
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Daniel Richards
Apprentice Instructor - Surf PWC Rescue Technician, High Water Evacuation Vehicle, SAFERIDE
Start Date: 04/07/2022. - Lead Instructor - Surf PWC Rescue Technician. - Murrells Inlet, South Carolina Apprentice Instructor - SAFERIDE, Hurricane Resonse Technician & High Water Evacuation Vehicle
Daniel is a Battalion Chief with the Murrels Inlet Garden City Fire Department.
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Jorge Riestra
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & GSAR 1
Start Date: 02/2017 - Instructor Preceptor - FAST 1 & GSAR 1 - Willow Park, Texas, Texas
Jorge has a background in Ground Search and K9 SAR. He has added Swiftwater training and will be working on his instructor status in each.
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Joe Ringnald
Instructor Preceptor / Lead Instructor
Start Date: 02/2017 - Instructor Preceptor - FAST 1, FAST 2, LRBT 1, FRBT 1, GSAR 1, GSAR 2, VRT 1, VRT 2 Lead Instructor - SAFERIDE OHV, Crewmember Overboard Apprentice Instructor - LRBT 2, FAST PWC Technician - Surf PWC Willow Park, Texas
Besides his full time job with Discount Tire, he has been a member of the Texas State Guard, ESD 2, as well as an on call for several other rescue teams when disaster strikes. Joe is also a fixed wing pilot, drone pilot and an avid motorcyclist.
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Monty Reed
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue
Start Date: 04/02/10 - Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue - Boxcar, South Carolina
Monty is a Police Officer with North Myrtle Beach Police Department. He is assigned as Administrator of the Beach Patrol and Lifeguards during the summer months.
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David Reyes
Apprentice Instructor - Lake Rescue Boat Tech 1
David is assigned to Montgomery County ESD 2 Fire/Rescue Boat on Lake Conroe. He has already received extensive training on the boat which is scheduled to go into service July 1, 2023. David is a Lieutenant with MCESD2.
Sandra Robinson
Lead Instructor - SAFERIDE & GSAR 1
Start Date: 12/20/2019 - Lead Instructor - SAFERIDE, Apprentice Instructor GSAR 1 - Texas
Sandra works in the animal rescue world. She has trained in GSAR 1 & 2, FAST 1, SAFERIDE
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Kris Rodriguez
Lead Instructor - Vertical Rescue Technician 3
Start Date: 03/05/2019 Lead Instructor - Vertical Rescue Technician 3 San Antonio, Texas
Kris is a Shift Captain at the Toyota Fire Department, Manufacturing Plant in San Antonio, Texas
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Mark Rodriguez
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 / VRT 1
Start Date: 09/09/2021 - Apprentice Instructor - Elgin, Texas, USA. Mark is working on Apprentice Instructor qualifications in VRT 1 and FAST 1.
Mark is the 1st Assistant Chief of the Elgin Fire Department. He currently holds RTI Technician certifications in FAST 1 & 2, FAST Rescue Boat 1, GSAR 1 and VRT 1. Mark works full time for Recon Services out of Del Valley, Texas As a Supervisor.
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Jeremy Shaw
Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & Lake Rescue Boat Technician 1
Start Date: 08/01/2018 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1 & Lake Rescue Boat Technician 1 - Katy, Texas
Jeremy served in the US Army and is now an Engine Operator for Eastex Fire Department. Jeremy is a Lead Instructor in FAST 1 and Lake Rescue Boat Technician 1.
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Frank Smith
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue
Start Date: 09/25/2013 - Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue - Boxcar, South Carolina
Frank is a Police Officer with North Myrtle Beach Police Department. He is assigned to the Beach Patrol and Lifeguards during the summer months.
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Patricio Varella
Lead Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 08/26/10 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1 - San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Patricio is a Rescue Paramedic for Rescate 911 in San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (near Monterrey). He has been teaching the FAST 1 since 2010 .
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Gerardo (Barry) Venegas
Lead Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 08/01/2004 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1 - San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Barry is the Assistant Chief and a Rescue Paramedic for Rescate 911 in San Pedro, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (near Monterrey). He has been teaching the FAST 1 for over 16 years.
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Eric Watson
Apprentice Instructor - GASR 1
Start Date: 01/08/2019 - Apprentice Instructor - GSAR 1 - Cleveland, Texas
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Joshua Weaver
Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 12/02/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 12/03/2024 Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Kyle Wetzel
Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf & SAFERIDE
Start Date: 04/24/2023 - Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf & SAFERIDE - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Kyle is a Lieutenant with the Murrels Inlet Garden City Fire Depart. He has been with the department for 6 years and has recently been put in charge of the Beach Lifeguards and their training.
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Gary Williams II
Lead Instructor - FAST 1, FAST Rescue Boat Tech 1, SAFERIDE
Start Date: 05/15/2017 - Lead Instructor - FAST 1, FAST Rescue Boat Tech 1, SAFERIDE - Universal City, Texas
Gary is an Engineer for Cibolo Fire Rescue.
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JR Willard
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1, Lake Rescue Boat Tech 1
Start Date: 11/18/2021 - Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1, Lake Rescue Boat Tech 1; Technician FAST 1 & LRBT1
He resides in Sardis, Mississippi and conveniently lives on river frontage where he may conduct FAST 1 and boat classes. In his spare time he owns a construction business with his partner.
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Patrick Winsett
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST Rescue Boat Tech 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Instructor Orientation 09/08/2023 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/17/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Patrick is with the Shawnee Fire Department
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Lane Williams
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FAST Rescue Boat Tech 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Instructor Orientation 02/13/2025 Start Date: ??/??/2025 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 ??/??/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Lane is a Lieutenant with the Shawnee Fire Department in Shawnee, Oklahoma
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Tyler Wooten
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1
Start Date: 08/23/2020 - Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 - Iola, Kansas
Tyler is a Firefighter for the Iola Fire Department in Iola, Kansas.
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Roger Virgin
Apprentice Instructor - SAFERIDE & OHV Public Safety
Start Date: 01/11/2021 - Apprentice Instructor - SAFERIDE & OHV Public Safety; Denison, Texas
Roger is the Training Chief for Denison Fire Department. His main role is to set up and augment training for all of the Denison FD Members. The City of Denison is developing a long hike and bike trail that may require the FD EMS to access civilians injured along the trail vis the department's new UTV. Along with that, the department is looking into adding to the UTV fleet for other FD related jobs.
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Kegan Rakosky
PWC Surf Rescue Technician, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1
Start Date: 03/25/2024 Appretince Instructor Orientation 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician
Nathan Redmond
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf RescueTech 1, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1, High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 River Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 12/02-03/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 03/25/2024 Start Date: 03/25/2024 Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue 03/30/2024 Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Lead Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Ryan Rose
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Technician: HWEV 1 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1
Jeremy Skinner
Lead Instructor - PWC Surf RescueTech 1, Ocean Rescue Boat Tech 1, River Rescue Boat Tech 1. Department Instructor for High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Technician: 03/26/2024 PWC Surf Rescue Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 06/17-18/2024 River Rescue Boat Technician Technician: 12/02-03/2024 High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 Instructor Orientation: 03/25/2024 Start Date: 03/25/2024 Apprentice Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue 03/30/2024 Lead Instructor - PWC Surf Rescue Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 06/19/2024 Apprentice Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - Ocean Rescue Boat Technician 06/22/2024 Lead Instructor - River Rescue Boat Technician Start Date: 12/04/2024 Apprentice Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1 12/07/2024 Department Instructor - High Water Evacuation Vehicle 1
Dylan Reed
Apprentice Instructor - FAST 1 & FRBT 1
Technician: 05/15/2024 FAST 1 Technician: 05/17/2024 FRBT 1 Start Date: 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FAST 1 05/15/2024 Appretince Instructor - FRBT 1

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