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COURSE AVAILABILITY:  Open to current FAST 1 or FAST 2

Class size: Up to 24

Preregistration Required: (10% late fee less than 14 days before class)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: 10 hour course covering recert material for Flood And Swiftwater Technician 1 and Flood And Swiftwater Technician 2

STANDARDS: This course meets and exceeds Industry Standards and NFPA 1670 and 1006 requirements. To completely meet all NFPA requirements the Technician would need to attend the FAST R2 class.

PPE: Each student is required to provide their own Personal Protective Gear:

  •  “USCG” approved Type III or V PFD (Type V preferred)
  • Wet suit boots with hard sole bottom or tennis shoes
  • Water or vertical rescue helmet
  • Full wet or dry suit as weather conditions dictate
  • Water or abrasion protective gloves
  • IRB for Boat training


PHYSICAL FITNESS REQUIREMENTS: RTI field courses are strenuous in nature. RTI recommends the student be in good physical and mental condition.

Additional course information will be emailed to each student registered.

Applications due two weeks prior to class

Online Application

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